Todd Burge Turns Tips Into New Music!
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“West Virginia’s most prolific and successful roots singer-songwriter has taken a decidedly different tack for his 15th solo album. In a conversation he told me he wants others to view the songs as seeds that “kickstart creation in others. To see where the breeze might take them and discover what might bloom, in soil that I’m not so familiar with.” That takes nothing away from the quality of these 11 songs, which are also among his most personal. I hear them as meditations on the nature of existence, songs of an examined life. Be it weeds in the lawn or an asteroid hundreds of millions miles away, they are all part of a light that he sings about in the ironically titled “Moth Man” — always seeking the brightest light, yet a bit apprehensive of what he might discover.”
“Todd Burge...he’s a really good singer songwriter who chose not to leave West Virginia and has built an impressive career. He was on the show (Mountain Stage Radio – NPR) last Sunday.
He has an album he just released, called “Seed”, and the idea is that his audience gets to take the songs and use them as a jumping off point to create their own spinoffs....everything from remixing it, messing with the tracks, recording a different version of a song, or taking a line and writing a completely new song, or poem or making a painting or drawing.
It’s a very cool idea. He hopes to gather all the pieces people make and release a follow up project called “Flower” cool!”
From Seed - The New Todd Burge Album
“West Virginia’s most prolific and successful roots singer-songwriter”
“Todd belongs in the company of Peter Stampfel, Todd Snider and Paul Thorn with Roger Miller winking from beyond. Look upon his works, ye Mighty, and despair!” ”
“He’s got a great talent as a writer and unique view of the world; he’s invented his own art form. His songs just get better and better.”
“he’s a really good singer songwriter who chose not to leave West Virginia and has built an impressive career.”
““Burge offers the simple but hard-won wisdom that everyone must either live in the present or not really live at all.”
“The beautiful spare production allows the listener to catch every nuance of Todd’s musicality and to get in right next to his unique lyric genius.”
“I’m convinced - Ingenious Todd Burge successfully blends more wit and wisdom per song than anyone else I’ve enjoyed in years”
“Literate, witty, off-kilter & always highly entertaining...a real revelation”